Entries in Brave Fencer Musashi (1)


PPR Presents Play Play: Brave Fencer Musashi

he frontier of platformers back in the late 90’s was uhhh, endearing to say the least. And man, oh MAN, were they ever just a wave of cutesy, mascot-ready, big-headed snark-slingers filled with all of that ‘tude.

Brave Fencer Musashi is a charming little melting pot of those sentiments, standing out among the herd with a bunch of action-RPG dynamics, with some Kirby mechanics on top. Now the question is whether or not this game aged very well? Not to mention where it comes into play with Nomura design timeline of limb belts and superfluous zippers on zippers, and more as Ser and Georgie wax on about it between all the shitty Haikus they hear about death.

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