Entries in Vertical (71)


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 96 - RefleX

yu-Media is back with one of the finest Doujin shooting titles Steam has ever seen! RefleX is the second part of the Tale of Alltynex Series from renowned Doujin group Siter Skain and offers slick shooting goodness with simple gameplay and scoring mechanics. But how does it stack up?


Gamers Gate 
Rice Digital 

NEW MUSIC BY SER FLASH! The 4th Album, Meteoric, is on sale now for just $7! Support Bullet Heaven HD!

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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 93 - Daisenpu Custom

aisenpu Custom is an enhanced version of the original Daisenpu, also known as Twin Hawk. Making its way to the PC Engine CD ROM 2 though, is it really the most definitive version? Watch to find out how it stacks up.


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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 92 - Crisis Force (FC5#5)

onami has been a video game industry mainstay for almost as long as video games have been around. They were also behind several iconic NES and Famicom games back in the systems' heyday. One game that never quite reached mainstream legendary status at first was Crisis Force, released in 1991. With its Japan-only, Famicom only release, it has garnered quite a reputation in the decades since its release... but how does it stack up?  

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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 91 - 3arly Jaleco (FC5#4)

n episode 37 of Bullet Heaven, we took a look at Game Tengoku, a parody style shooter featuring a bunch of really old Jaleco games as the basis for its characters. Having never officially seen a North American home debut, just what were we missing in Exerion, Formation Z and Field Combat? Let's take a look...

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Bullet Heaven Mini, Episode 5 - Chain Blaster

ini. Mobile. Shmups. Welcome back to Bullet Heaven Mini!

The 3DS eShop's shmup numbers have grown considerably over the last year with quite a few notable titles. Shortly after Kokuga (episode M-2), Chain Blaster was released to the eShop worldwide. With elements reminiscent of Every Extend Extra (PSP) and E4 (XBLA), just how does Chain Blaster stack up?


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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 88 - B-Wings (FC5 #1)

elcome to the FC5, the first special block of the new season! In today's episode of Bullet Heaven, we take a look at the first ever game by Data East on the Famicom, B-Wings (aka Battle Wings). As an obscure famicom title based on an already obscure arcade game, just how did B-Wings fare in 1986? And how does it hold up today?


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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 87 - Giga Wing & Giga Wing 2

he Sega Dreamcast was (and still is) a pretty amazing system with a decent wealth of shooting games within its awesome library. Giga Wing kicked them all off and even saw a Dreamcast sequel (Giga Wing 2) a year later. How do they stack up? 

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Bullet Heaven Mini, Episode 4 - Quarth

ini. Mobile. Shmups. In this episode of Bullet Heaven Mini, we take a quick look at Konami's Quarth on the original Game Boy!

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