PPR 47
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Press Pause Radio in Deus Ex, Level Design, Podcast, Seandod


Disclaimer: No Juggalos were harmed in the recording of this podcast.

This episode of Press Pause Radio is brought to you by the one and only SeanDod, as well as his mustache. On this week's episode, we will discuss level design in video games. For decades video games have evolved and we have seen numerous technological breakthroughs. However the core element of level design has remained the same, and is the cornerstone of all video games. The crew will discuss this as well as news from Penny Arcade Expo and the Call of Duty XP Convention.

Select Feedback is packed with excellent letters and comments from our listeners, and we answer our first (hopefully last) relationship letter. The group will also review the massive list of new video game releases as they discuss Gears of War 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. We hope that you enjoy this week's episode, and we hope you have the chance to rate and review us on iTunes and Zune so we can reach more and more listeners. Don't forget that we are also on the go, with both the Android and iPhone apps that are available right now!

Article originally appeared on Press Pause Radio (https://www.presspauseradio.com/).
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