PPR at PAX Prime 2012: The Prologue
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Press Pause Radio in Indie Games, PAX Prime 2012, Podcast, school detention

Don’t be a JAFO! The crew comes together to discuss what they have on their plate for PAX Prime. We discuss in detail what we’re looking forward to out of the Indie Megabooth, the panels on tap, and who we’re looking forward to meeting! This will be the first ever appearance that PPR will be making at PAX Prime, and while we’re certain that Seattle isn’t quite ready for us to plauge their fair city, we plan on making this an experience to look back on for the ages!

We’ll have a lot of editorial, video, and another podcast head your way over the next couple of days so stay tuned to the site as we update it with all the coverage we can. Finally, if you haven’t already, please rate and review us on iTunes or Zune! If you see us, don’t be shy, say hello you lovable bastards!

Article originally appeared on Press Pause Radio (https://www.presspauseradio.com/).
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