Mudprints Unboxes: Hyperkin Hyperclack Mechanical Keyboard
Thursday, May 10, 2018
EdTremblay in Features, Hardware, Hardware, Hyper Clack, Hyperkin, Keyboard, Mechanical, Retro

A new keyboard was sorely needed on our end of things, and only one had the kind retro aesthetic that would make it right at home in my space-limited, retro-saturated studio; the Hyper Clack Mechanical Keyboard from Hyperkin! We set to work with it for a solid month for scripts, reviews, editing and gaming top see what's up (and we're still using it!) Just how does it stack up?

Get the Hyper Clack here! 


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This Musprints Unboxes was made with a unit provided by the publisher for review and as part of sponsorship. Our sponsorship with Hyperkin is ONLY for equipment and is not paid for in any way; as such, the opinions herein are EXPRESSLY our own and are not paid for by Hyperkin, developers, publishers or any retailers or resellers in any way.

Article originally appeared on Press Pause Radio (
See website for complete article licensing information.