Bullet Heaven #236 - Rym 9000 (PS4)
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
EdTremblay in Bullet Heaven, Bullet Heaven HD, Eastasiasoft, PS4, Rym 9000, Shmup, Steam, holy hell my brain
Ear Bleeding? Eye Melting? Is this really what we need in a shmup? Without a doubt, it definitely earns its Epilepsy warning. Rym 9000 makes its case for use of extreme audiovisual means. But how does it stack up?   
In the credits: 
Missed an episode?   
Bullet Heaven 233.5: Star Fox SECRETS!
Bullet Heaven 234: Devil Engine
Bullet Heaven 235: Iron Crypticle


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This episode of Bullet Heaven was made with a copy of the game provided by the developer for reveiw. The opinions expressed are our own and are not paid for by the developer, publisher or any retailers or resellers in any way.

Article originally appeared on Press Pause Radio (https://www.presspauseradio.com/).
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