
PPR 71

an, a game with a floating disembodied old man head has our early vote for the next Game of The Year folks! You heard it here first! Oh and Sony did show off their latest console to help usher in the next generation for video games, the PlayStation 4. Among the talk we’ve got some emails with some late confessions, thoughts towards Aliens: Colonial Marines, and we share our condolences for our favorite game enthusiast/journalism and media website on the internet-1UP.com. Jeremy Parish and company continued the legacy after so many have left and we indulge on why 1UP was so important to all of us. Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today and be sure to stop by at our Forums and register as well!

Show Notes:

Old Man head before it was cool?

Remember the blades?

The good Aliens VS Predator

PPR 71

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