Entries in Ghost of Tsushima (2)


QCF: Ghost of Tsushima

uring the Feudal era of Japan, the land of the rising sun saw many conflicts, ranging from invading forces to civil unrest within its regions, balancing out into an age of strife and prosperity. To maintain order and peace through the land, the Shogun appointed Samurai, soldiers who adhere to a strict code of honor, to oversee the safety of its people, and protect the sanctity of their laws.

But what happens of the sanctity of your honor means nothing to an enemy that threatens everything you hold dear? What do you place your faith in more to uphold your Samurai code?

In the last three generations of PlayStation hardware, the developer Suckerpunch has pumped out some hard hitters in the Stealth and Open-World genres with titles like Sly Cooper and inFamous, but this time, they’re aiming to combine dynamics of both gameplay styles into one unforgettable experience with the Ghost of Tsushima. While there are some valid arguments against a western studio being able to do justice towards delivering an authentic-feeling Samurai tale, the Sony studio spared no expense in ensuring that Ghost of Tsushima conveys the mysticism of the Japanese warrior, in a world that’s beautiful beyond compare, if not a bit too familiar all the same.

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PPR 126

hit is scary right now y’all, so believe us when we express just how grateful we are that our director of creative content, Serraxor is alive and well among his Press Pause Radio family!

We have plenty of catching up to do with our friend, along with a butt-load of vidjya games to hash out & talk about in this quick get-together of “what’s in your console?” The conversation covers a bunch of different topics ranging from the giant Nintendo leak that was covered by Kotaku and other outlets the last two weeks, George discovering the sheer depth of the MSX library, and everyone contemplating on whether or not they should sign back up for Final Fantasy XIV with the huge trial Square-Enix is putting on for the game right now.

Other topics include Fantasy Zone for the NES, Airgrave, Sessions, Skater XL, Desperate Housewives ASMR, Ghost of Tsushima, Maneater, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore, Paper Mario: The Origami King, Trials of Mana, SD Snatcher, and more! Be sure to keep six feet apart from one another as tune in and give us a couple of hours of your day here on episode 126 of Press Pause Radio.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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