Entries in New IP (2)


Why the Nintendo Holiday is boring, and their future looks scary

hether most of us (myself included) want to admit it or not, Nintendo has been flailing on the scene as of late. The lack of compelling Wii U software have gradually influenced the deflation of units sold throughout 2013, and with only the 3DS to shoulder the weight, it’s been a frustrating waiting game for those who have endorsed in the promise of the Big N into the next generation. Nintendo hasn’t been completely deaf to their situation though, and during a press release yesterday, made several announcements towards release dates, price drops, and their newest revision of the 3DS for the budget-minded consumer, or parent…and one has to ask if Nintendo has thought this all the way through?

The way I see it, it seems like it’s just more pandering in disguise, and pandering is one of the biggest factors that lead them down to this path to begin with.

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QCF: Remember Me

magine a world much like our own at its core, one that’s full of greed and desire towards power and affluence. However, the object of desire is something even most people take for granted, memories—an event that’s recorded within the depths of a person’s grey matter that has the ability to shape or define who we are. In the future, your precious recollections are used as currency from a tyrannical corporation that preys on its consumers like cattle to further their own sinister means. In the middle of all of this, you’re the resistance against the reign of mass psychological terror of science fictional proportions; this is Dontnod Entertainment’s Remember Me.

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