Entries in Vita (8)


Mudprints Unboxes: Dariusburst CS (LRG Vita Version)

We took a look at the big-box limited editions from Kadokawa and Limited Run Games for Dariusburst CS on Mudprints Unboxes before... so how about Limited Run's Vita version? Let's see what's inside.

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QCF: Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

e all know making video games is hard. The sheer amount of talent, money, time, passion and luck it takes to get a video game made is mind-boggling. It’s truly a Herculean effort to make a game at all, let alone a good one. But it must be even harder to make a sequel. You walk the line of introducing new ideas, while having enough of the previous installment’s DNA to please fans of the series. We all want something new from a sequel, but stray too far from the first game and you lose what originally made it special and fun. In that case, why even make a sequel? Corpse Party: Book of Shadows on the surface is recognizable as another Corpse Party game, but does its departure in gameplay and genre conventions lose what made the first iteration enjoyable? Read on to find out.

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QCF: Orgarhythm

You guys know me. I’m not one to just throw words like "funky" around. It’s something that has to be earned. That being said, Orgarhythm is funky as HELL.

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QCF: Dokuro

Two years ago, the indie puzzle-platformer Limbo mesmerized gamers with its stark black and white graphics, mind-bending puzzles, and unexpected amount of gore and child dismemberment. Everyone played the critically lauded, award winning game for its soundtrack, visuals and brilliant game design that was frustrating without ever feeling unfair as long as you were thinking hard enough. Apparently SOMEONE since then thought Limbo just wasn’t Japanese enough. And that guy made Dokuro.

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PPR 65

So there is a man who jumped from space, but who cares? We are all waiting patiently to hear about more important things, like movies based on video games. No worries, Press Pause Radio is here to save the day once again. The group welcomes Catie back to the show as we extensively discuss all the games that were played in our respective consoles and portable devices. Then we try to find any movies based on video games that are actually worthwhile. Will we accomplish the impossible? Will anyone ever be a better Raiden than Christopher Lambert? Find out on this episode, and so much more.

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QCF: New Little King's Story


Why is Obama always complaining about creating jobs? It’s so EASY in New Little King’s Story! Though, I’m a pretty great king. All of my subjects love me, even if I constantly lead them into dangerous situations for my own personal gain. I also get my pick of seven princesses, all bidding for my heart. I’ve even got my own big, fancy throne! It’s good to be the king. Even a little one.

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PPR 55

On this episode of Press Pause Radio we hold hands and venture through the great unknown, as we discuss the history and relevance of strategy guides and walkthroughs. Thankfully we brought along a few "guides" on the trip as well. Matt Clark, a freelance writer featured on MTV, 1up, GamePro and many other publications joins us along with Zy, a top contributor on GameFAQs and writer of several walkthroughs as we contemplate on whether guides and walkthroughs are still needed in gaming today. We will also talk about Double Fine's success on Kickstarter and the upcoming release of the PS Vita. Thanks for listening to the show, and please make sure to check out the site for upcoming articles and reviews currently in the works. 

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PPR 48

Press Pause Radio escapes the limbo of corrupted audio files and damaged computers to deliver the newest episode of PPR! Along for the ride is our newest member to the team Dan, the man with possibly five or more nicknames. One of our good friends Matt, Patriot1030 from the WOFR Gaming Network also is able to join us at the last minute to complete the roundtable discussion. On this week's episode we discuss news and information from the Tokyo Game Show, including the Vita and Final Fantasy remakes. Our Featured Topic is a lively discussion about game pricing and the used video game market. This often heated debate gets turned up a few degrees as we explore all areas of the topic. Thank you to everyone for listening to the show, and for helping us reach over 200 fans on Facebook! We couldn't have done it without you!

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