Entries in WiiWare (2)


PPR 108

fter just over a decade of service, the Wii Shop Channel is going to be largely inaccessible next week. All of those choice, $5-$10 Virtual Console titles that easily retail for hundreds of dollars in their physical vintage forms will be cut off from purchase in what ostensibly be a virtual catalog that you’ll never be able to order from again, or even see again once the channel is completely taken offline next year.

We have taken it upon ourselves to talk about the history and impact of the Wii Shop Channel, and what it did for the digital distribution model that took off in the sixth generation of video games. The gang also makes it a point to curate the must-have titles of software library that anyone would be remiss to the pass the chance on before they’re gone for good. We also talk about Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Yakuza 6, Luigi’s Dick, Soul Calibur 6, and more, so be sure to download this episode and take some notes on the recommendations!

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QCF Video Review - 3D Pixel Racing

Got 500 Wii Points? Itching for a racing game on the WiiWare service? Love 3D Dot Game Heroes on PS3? Woah there, this may look like a perfect match, but how does Microforum's 3D Pixel Racing really fare?
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