
PAX East 2013: Press Pause Radio Podcast Special

e’re approaching the last day of PAX East and we’re surprisingly chipper for what we covered so far but it’s a momentous PAX. It’s the first PAX to see an exclusive reveal, with Capcom and WayForward debuting their remake of an NES classic, Ducktales Remastered. Bob Mackey and the gang were able to fund their Retronauts Kickstarter within hours, and when we weren’t playing a lot of games, then we were treated some of the finer citizens in Boston. Special guest Seth Macy of the internet joins us as we gab up the event and recount our plans for Sunday.

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Show Notes:

Ducktales: The Uncrashable Hindentanic NOTE: Disney is already hard at work taking down Ducktales episodes on YouTube since Ducktales has become popular again following the new game, so we managed t find the episode mentioned on the show but it's in the hindi language...Enjoy!

PPR PAX East 2013

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