Entries in 2K (7)


PPR Presents Play Play: WWE 2K16

he landscape for wrestling video games is pretty bare these days (we cover that in great detail here.) So, with there not being a whole lot of choice to base off of these days, we’re somewhat stuck with the annual releases that the WWE 2K feed us, and well, to bounce off of the dumb drivel that get out of the Big Guy,  we want to be fed more—because this shit is kind of dry.

George and Andrew hop on for this edition of PPR’s Play Play, as they wax on about the good, and the bad, of the latest game to bear the wrestling giant’s name and brand, WWE2K16. There’s a little more bad to be shared than good, but hey, at least these dumb Marks can play the role of fantasy booker, and nerd out about the Mat sport, so, I guess that counts for something?

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s the months go by, I’m learning more and more that I’m not the only one who’s found an interest in professional wrestling again, as I see more and more of my friends and associates hop on board with the craze, keeping tabs on their favorite performers and their status quos, and so on.

The WWE and 2K are well aware of the trending popularity that Sports Entertainment has been receiving, and as such, have taken measures to capitalize on both the newfound fame it’s seeing, and the effervescent nostalgia for one of wrestling’s most iconic figures, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Enter the latest entry into the brand’s game franchise, WWE2K16; a sequel that hopes to correct last the significant misstep that was last year’s title into the series—and well, it tries, I’ll give it that…

I can safely say that WWE2K16 is better than WWE2K15—marginally though, only, marginally.

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QCF: Evolve

Disclaimer: The following review of Evolve is from a press build of the game on PC. Because of the lack of online play with a large amount of players, this review is on the offline mode of the game. There was gameplay online with other players with early access, however because this title will be mainly a game with a online multiplayer focus, the final review score will not factor in the online play. We at Press Pause Radio will revise this review as necessary once the final build of the game has released. Thank you.

urtle Rock Studio’s upcoming shooter Evolve has been creating plenty of buzz since last summer when it won the Best of Show award at E3 as well as the Best of Gamescom award, the only title to win both prestigious accolades. After an alpha test on the various platforms and a beta run on Xbox One, the title is now set to release with it’s interesting concept of four human players playing against a fifth player taking on the role of the enemy boss. The brainchild from the same developers as Left 4 Dead has accomplished the goal in creating a multiplayer experience that has a large amount of recapitulation and depth, but the online component will be what decides if the title can live up to it’s potential.

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PAX East 2014: A peek at Borderlands The Presequel Gameplay

he play styles of various first-person shooters and the structure they pride themselves around has carried over into an almost kind of credo that dictates the cliques of that follow them. There’s one exception in particular though, that’s revered universally though among a majority of these demographics, and I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about considering the name of this post.

With that in mind, here’s the $60 question that’s rung in my head since Borderlands 2 however, is where does Gearbox go from here? How many fresh territories can they cross with the series while still delivering all established elements that makes it what it is? While Telltale is tasking at the very goal with Tales from The Borderlands, Gearbox is stretching their legs with another shooting entry to the property; a game aimed towards the combination its signature tongue-in-cheek humor and fan service and new gameplay mechanics founded upon this escalation.

Presequel is already primed to impress and a testament to the mileage left in one of this generation’s most innovative franchises.

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PAX East 2014: Hands-on with Evolve

ith all of the competitive multiplayer titles being played for eSports and even more down the line of 2014, there’s one particular title that’s bringing back the intensity of competition through cooperative play in a whole new way. The folks behind Left 4 Dead have channeled the same frenetic combat of the infamous tank encounters from the hit series and have filtered it into what looks like could have only been inspired from marathons of watching the original Predator film; Evolve is poised to be a familiar kind of shooter that’s refreshing in all of the right ways.

With the promise of additional hunter classes and monster types, the hands-on play began with the introduction of the Assault class (which I manned), Trapper, Support, and Medic as we were tasked to bring down the Goliath monster. As the match was starting, the map panned us through a tour of the intergalactic tropical locale, and out prey as large as he was, was still dwarfed by the sheer size and real estate of the stage.

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QCF: BioShock Infinite

ioShock was one of those games that defined this generation. When I first played it more than six years ago, it was mind blowing. It was quite possibly the first game of the generation that set the benchmark for where games were heading in the future. BioShock Infinite is from the minds of the original team after the B-team took over for BioShock 2, and what Ken Levine and crew have achieved must be experienced by anyone who ever considered themselves a "gamer."

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PAX East 2012: Max Payne 3: Hands-on Preview

Pinned down behind a bar booth, Max counts his odds against a desperate gunfight with the mob in a rundown billiard hall. Max starts to feel the ache in age as his partner Raul runs to take cover to the right, preparing to lob bullets into their attackers. The Max Payne series, seemingly forgotten since 2003, has resurfaced this generation with Max Payne 3, and waits to be released on May 15. Right now, however, it is currently playable to all in attendance at PAX East 2012. I decided to stop by and see what the fuss was all about.

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