Entries in PAX East 2014 (9)


PAX East 2014: Entering the world of Child of Light

t’s strange that in that the last two decades where technology has considerably increased a number of new, more advanced avenues that can provision incredible feats of art design and animation, that we haven’t seen a Final Fantasy game actually rendered in the style of Yoshitaka Amano’s art beyond mere promotion.

It wasn’t until arriving at the Ubisoft booth at PAX East that I was relieved about such a thing too, it may have prevented such inspiration for one of the most beautiful games I’ve witnessed in some time; Ubisoft Montreal’s Child of Light. The eye candy is definitely a sight to behold, but behind all of that visual sweetness, is an RPG filled out from top to bottom with ingenuity and charisma that’ll be sure to incite a new trend for western RPGs to follow.

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PAX East 2014: Getting trigger-happy with Wolfenstein: The New Order

he First-person shooting trend is only getting bigger; it’s funny to think just how much more advanced the design has gotten over the years too. I mean, with games like ARMA, and Battlefield, the humble days of strafe ‘n shoot is far long into yesterday that it can almost be sub-categorized into being a completely different type of game.

I only mention this because as soon as I started to play the newest entry to one of the most iconic series of the genre, Wolfenstein: The New Order, that I reveled at the decision Machine Games made, to return the game back to the simplistically dumb action roots of the original—the results are surprisingly refreshing.

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PAX East 2014: Feeling young again with Shovel Knight

ore often than not, we see independent developers task themselves towards producing games that do nothing more than romanticize games of the past; only a handful of them introduce ideas that stand them tall above the rose-tinted masses one-dimensional nostalgia.

Therefore, it's quite a feat when you see something like Yacht Club Game's Shovel Knight excel by doing the exact opposite. The Blue Digger’s adventure passionately celebrates the giant melting pot of NES tributes that it is and manages to conjure the perfect storm of design that's fun for veterans and new comers alike in the process.

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PAX East 2014 - Play Play Special: Nuclear Throne

pon my travels through the Indie Mega Booth, I met up with one of my favorite people, Rami Ismail of Vlambeer, so I could check out Nuclear Throne. After some talking, he helped inspire an incredible idea, “Shit, we should totally do a PLAY PLAY of this!” and as it was declared, so shall it be.

I enlisted the assistance of that GWA thug-ass thug Ballsrog, and we gots to playing some Nuclear Throne for y’all; oh, and Rami made sure to hook us up with a ton of codes for the game to give away!

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PAX East 2014: Initial thoughts and impressions of The Evil Within 

ne of the floor spaces particularly bustling with a bevy of attendees was Bethesda as attendees eagerly trafficked into line to see two games showcased, one being a playable demo, and the other; a presentation demo.

While I covered both, I figured I’d start off the pair with the game that’ll would be the most exhausting to express in my impressions; The Evil Within makes its first showing at PAX East since E3 of last year, and if the demo is any indication of the direction that will lead to the final product then it’s with a heavy heart that I foresee it being a memorable disappointment at best for the year of 2014.

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PAX East 2014: A peek at Borderlands The Presequel Gameplay

he play styles of various first-person shooters and the structure they pride themselves around has carried over into an almost kind of credo that dictates the cliques of that follow them. There’s one exception in particular though, that’s revered universally though among a majority of these demographics, and I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about considering the name of this post.

With that in mind, here’s the $60 question that’s rung in my head since Borderlands 2 however, is where does Gearbox go from here? How many fresh territories can they cross with the series while still delivering all established elements that makes it what it is? While Telltale is tasking at the very goal with Tales from The Borderlands, Gearbox is stretching their legs with another shooting entry to the property; a game aimed towards the combination its signature tongue-in-cheek humor and fan service and new gameplay mechanics founded upon this escalation.

Presequel is already primed to impress and a testament to the mileage left in one of this generation’s most innovative franchises.

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PAX East 2014: The Best of the Indie mega booth!

ndie Mega Booth is always a delight when it makes an appearance, and now that it’s branched out to the likes of GDC and Indiecade, the roster of games in the showcase is able to stretch into territory of epic proportions both in size and diversity. On top of that, this has had to have been the best showing the booth has ever done so far; meaning I had a heavy heart over deciding which games made the cut for the best of show but the deed is done, so without further adieu—here’s the cream of the crop for Indie Mega Booth at PAX east 2014!

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PAX East 2014: Getting tricky with Trials Fusion

here aren’t many names in video games with the potential of yielding polarizing views of admiration or revilement quite like Trials has within the last fourteen years of growing exposure. Since the series made its acclaimed return back in 2009 on the 360, Ubisoft has picked up the publishing and it’s only motivated RedLynx to continually push the franchise more and more while remaining true to the formula’s roots.

Investing a considerable amount of time with the current build on the floor, Trials Fusion applies that same kind of ideal to reinvent on top of what worked like its predecessor Evolution did and managed to multiply it to a degree that every sequel would aspire to accomplish for its respective franchise.

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