Entries in The Walking Dead (13)


PPR 99

ebruary can be many things; the home of Valentine’s Day, named after the saint who loved birds, and hated Pagans—or it’s the month that precedes one of the more eventful game release schedules of the year, your pick.

We here at PPR however, have decided to riff off the theme of love from Valentine’s instead, and talk about the aspect of sharing the experience of playing video games with your significant other, and what games we think would be ideal for that sort of social union.

It’s Personal Pause Radio up in here, and it’s a fun episode; we also talk at length about Arby’s, Street Fighter V, Lupe Fiasco, Unravel, Pocket Mortys, Umihara Kawase Trilogy, Gravity Rush Remastered, Project X Zone, Kanye West, and more.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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QCF: Life Is Strange: Episode 3: Chaos Theory

t’s only Wednesday, and already, this week is turning out to be one of the of craziest happenings that you’ve ever lived. Following the aftermath of the life-changing event that the last episode ended with, Max Caulfield is stuck at the heart of the fallout caused from it, and is left with even more questions than answers about her control over the flow of time, but more importantly, she questions just who and what is more important to her as well.

Chaos Theory is the long awaited third entry of the running episodic game of Life is Strange, and while we’re still two more episodes away from the final conclusion of it all; it’s safe to say that this chapter could be the best episode of the series hands-down.

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QCF: Life Is Strange: Episode 2: Out of Time

he last time we saw Max Caldwell, she was coming to grips with confiding the truth about her time bending abilities to the closest friend that she has ever come to know, and the vulnerability on display is one of the central themes at work in Out of Time; the second episode to the saga of Life is Strange.

While a fate bigger than Max hangs over her head and that of Arcadia Bay, this follow-up installment seems to lose perspective on the stage that’s been set into motion, and the result is more baffling than it is effectual.

Without spoiling too much, Max is beginning to get more of a grasp on her situation, thanks to the comfort of sharing her unbelievable situation with Chloe Price; and much of the episode’s content focuses on where they go from there.

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QCF: Life is Strange: Episode 1: Chrysalis 

eenage Adolescence is that weird phase that will most likely stick with us in life more than any other period of our existence, the one identity that everyone is most likely to blur in and out of in their adult life, for better, or for worse. Now imagine having the power to rewind back the flow of space and time to cater to your every whim and desire, or a chance to divert back the makings of a teenage crisis that you could never possibly stomach living down—that’s a promising proposition right?

Well, it’s never really ever that simple, and Dontnod Entertainment’s Life is Strange offers a unique twist on the foundation of choice-driven gameplay that emphasizes that one decision isn’t always easier than the other, and the result creates for engaging roller-coaster of discovery and tragedy.

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Oh My Darling Clementine-a TWDS2 retrospective series: All That Remains

014 has just been a busy year for game releases; it’s honestly been difficult to not just cover everything in games that’s happened this year—but to even cover all of the things that we wanted to cover on Press Pause Radio. Surprisingly, one of those very games was The Walking Dead Season 2. The perfect storm of circumstance and time constraints just pushed into a corner where we missed the train on properly reviewing for you guys and gals; so simply put, we decided not to.

I was able to catch up when the second episode released, but by that time, it just would have journalistically made sense from a practical standpoint to try and cram any catch up for critique by marathoning an impromptu “poop-sock” session of the game. It would have been a disservice to our follower base, so we ultimately decided to omit it; maybe cover it a different way instead when afforded the opportunity.

And Well…I just personally just reached the end of Season 2 of The Walking Dead, a play-through that carried on all of the choices of the previous seasons, and groomed for all of the emotionally strenuous decisions that I have make, and reflecting at the end of it, I can honestly say this.

I was truly unprepared for what I had signed up for when I took the responsibility of continuing Clementine’s story, and despite some reservations of some particular moments along the way, it all came full circle in the end, and manage to tear down any disappointment I may have had about the ride when it was all said and done. This will be the first of a five post series where I’ll be sharing my opinions on each individual episode in detail because there’s just too much to gloss over to just summarize the entire Season in one post—I hope the project will be as cathartic for you as it will be for me. Oh, and if wasn’t obvious already, this editorial series will spoil the shit out of some major plot details and events from the beginning to the very end of The Walking Dead: Season 2, so read with caution or come back when you’re done—take your time too, no rush.

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PPR 88

his week, we talk about Twitch, no, not the actual act of twitching, or convulsing, or anything like that (go see a doctor folks if you're experiencing any of that on the reg by the by.) The conversation covers all the areas worth noting like monetization, new security implementation, online narcissism, and the whole platform just getting too damn big for its own britches.

Among other things, Andrew and George preach what the ALS Ice Bucket challenge, and what it SHOULD be about when you do it, along with the Burger King Kids Club, Captain Planet, Pauley Shore’s Son-in-Law, and fucking Bible Man of all things because when do we ever have a handle on things?

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR Games Club: The Walking Dead

ell it’s the new year, you know, the big twenty-thirteen, and what better way to move on then to do a Games Club on our Golden Zonkey awarded Game of The Year title, The Walking Dead. Telltale was able to create a tale of misery and emotion in five episodes, and beyond all of the zombie madness, we learned what it truly is to protect what you love, no matter what the cost. Join us for this latest Games Club with Andrew, George, and special guest Dana, as we test our humanity (or in some cases, cast it aside) in this three hour spanning show where we cover all five episodes from start to finish. Come joins us and keep a box of Kleenex nearby so you can relive the trauma all over again with your favorite podcast, (or not, just listen to the show already!)

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PPR 68


Many of us have been raised around video games, and the industry has grown up with us. But what happens when the future generation begins to take an interest in this hobby and culture? The group will discuss these points, and also argue the question of whether or not some of us should even have children. Have you seen Toast before? We also answer your questions, speak about the massive amount of games being played at the end of the year and potentially  tease an upcoming podcast based on THE GREATEST FILM OF ALL TIME. Be sure to tune in and and hear all about it!

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