Entries in 2-D (4)


QCF: Phantom Breaker: Omnia

ack in the day I used to attend several conventions a year, where all forms of gaming, anime and related avenues of fandom would occupy a weekend inside the meeting rooms of an unsuspecting hotel. In those game rooms of my past, I recall seeing Phantom Breaker tournaments and casual play amongst the other 2D fighters. Now over a decade later, Rocket Panda Games has teamed up with MAGES to release an updated and streamlined version of the title for the first time in the West. Does Phantom Breaker: Omnia earn a place in today’s crowded field of fighting games? I think to certain groups of players it very well may have a spot.

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About five years ago, the world was introduced to the wonderful vision of Phil Fish’s flatland-inspired, pixel dream world starring a marshmallow-like man named Gomez, and featuring his defiance of two-dimensional physics. Time moved on, and through troubled development, FEZ rose from the ashes of irrelevance and finally made its way to the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. With conclusive play on the finished product, the overview of FEZ is as mixed as all of the different camera perspectives you’ll encounter.

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QCF: Kirby's Return to Dreamland

Warp Stars abound! The stage franticly opens up with our pink puff-ball hero rushing through the Dreamland-scape with strawberry shortcake in tow, and with Kirby’s company not too far behind. Suddenly, a fantastical galleon-like vessel bursts off course from its route of reverie to a sudden crash-landing against the grassy surface of Pop-star that would make Launchpad McQuack blush.

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QCF: The War of the Worlds (XBLA)

I'm not the kind of person that takes to licensed games too often. On the whole, I've not bought any movie games or games based on TV shows, as they have shown to be awful, lackluster cash-in shovelware. Of course, there are very few exceptions; Treasure's Astro Boy: Omega Factor was one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance, TDK Mediactive took Robotech: The MAcross Saga and made a pretty bitchin' side-story  in Robotech: Battlecry and Capcom somehow managed to make Disney's The Little Mermaid both hardcore and awesome. The only problem? Most other developers have sort of forgotten that quality games are actually what people want to spend thier hard earned money on, even if it's not an entirely original IP that they came up with themselves.

As such, I approached the retelling of HG Wells' War of the Worlds With a special brand of apprehension; if TV and movie conversions are generally so bad, just how will a book - from 1898 no less - actually fare?

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