Entries in Destiny (10)


PPR 139

ow more than ever, Online Multiplayer has established itself into a bonafide standard in the Modern Gaming Climate with dedicated servers that operate on a scale that gets bigger by the year, making the term “Massive” a bit redundant in the process.

Even as you read this, there are thousands of players scrambling through the Online landscapes of Elden Ring and Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, titles that are packed with all of the Cooperative and Competitive ventures you can shake a sword or gun at—and yet neither of them fall under the category of MMO.

As we see the “Games as a Service” Model getting used more frequently, we stop to ask the question as to whether or not the genre of Massive Multiplayer Online games is steadily becoming a thing of the past. Granted, the immensely wild success of Final Fantasy XIV certainly says otherwise, and even contemporaries like Elder Scrolls Online and World of Warcraft are still operating at an impressive capacity despite Endwalker’s dominating performance—it’s still enough to make you wonder just how far these titles can go?

Join George Sean, and Andrew as they pore over the timeline of MMORPG’s, covering everything from their humble beginning, to their boom, and soft crash in the late ‘aughts, and so much more. Be sure to brush up on your HIPPA laws, because we’re going to punch down deep for Episode 139 of Press Pause Radio.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR 119

ow it’s time to talk about all the stupid Vidya Games that we’ve been playing, AKA, the one all with the snack talk, and Japanese PlayStation 2’s.

In an effort to deliver better content, at a more consistent pace, we'll be continuing the format we introduced last episode, and it's one that’s going to be different from the one we’ve done for the last ten years. Instead of catching up on all the news and games that have happened between shows before the chosen featured topic, we have decided to release each of these segments as a dedicated episode in their own right, including the featured topic, with a projected weekly schedule in mind—so this week, it’s all about what’s been in our consoles!

Ser, Andrew, and George pick apart all of the nitty-gritties in their playing habits this week, with talks covering Espagaluda 2, Destiny: Solstice of Heroes, Judgement, Collection of Mana, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, Pokémon GO, Dreamcast GDEMU, Border Down, Tail Concerto, PlayStation PSiO, and so much more!

So plug in some headphones, or connect to your Bluetooth because this is going to be another bite-sized cast from us until we put another episode for y’all later this week!

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PPR 106

h wow, it has been awhile since I've been the person responsible for putting up new content. I will try to make sure that this does not all come crashing down but I cannot make any promises, Internet. Speaking of garbage fires this is Toast welcoming you to another episode of Press Pause Radio where we discuss the Juggalo March, banana peeling tactics, Mario not being a plumber, and wedding advice. That last one had it's ups and downs but we all learned a little more about each other. Sharing is caring.

The normal crew of GeorgieboysAXE, Ser Flash and I also experiment with web cameras and discuss current hot topics including Sean Vanaman and MCA takedowns involving PewDewPie and Firewatch. Our show also reminds everyone that there are a ridiculous amount of games coming out this year such as Sonic Mania, Project Octopath Traveller, Hellblade Setsuna, Yakuza Kiwami, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Destiny 2, Neo Geo Archives; Aero Fighters 2, Neo Geo Archives; Spin Masters, and a newer indie title on the market called Minecraft.

So sit back and enjoy this audio experience, possibly while holding a protest sign depicting a Hatchetman in one hand and in the other some refreshing Faygo Moon Mist. It's the American way. 

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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GDC 16: Examining the importance of Game Balance

he invisible metrics that operate behind the scenes of a game are arguably the most important aspects behind its design, because let’s face it; developers can have the coolest idea for a title on paper, but the magic won’t happen until it’s properly coded with all the information it needs to successfully work.

This is a topic of design that Game Design Professor Ian Schreiber cites to be criminally overlooked, and has taken it upon himself to make GDC 16 the ideal platform to share his views, and their significance in the ever-changing landscape of video games.

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PPR 97

ey guys, it’s been a while, miss us? Because gorgeous ghosts, did we sure miss you all! We’re back, and hopefully now on a more regular recording schedule, so make sure you guys keep an eye on your feeds and subscriptions for the newest episodes to come out more often.

On that note, this episode was supposed to be about our most anticipated Holiday releases, but we got so wrapped with the volume of games we’ve been playing, and the catching up between us all that we just didn’t have the time to get into it—maybe next year.

Until then we talk Overkill and Payday 2, PS Vita, Steam Controller, Super Mario Maker, about McDonald’s being gross, The Taken King, Halo 5, Transformers: Devastation, John Cena’s theme song, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5, Guitar Hero Live, Rock Band 4, and so much more.

Enjoy the show, and keep a look out for more reviews coming this way, and details about our Extra Life stream!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR 96

eal life responsibilities be damned! Press Pause Radio is back with another episode on the scene and we got a shit-load to talk about as far as the new trend to hit games in a momentous way in recent months—crowd-funding/sourcing for development.

Between George lamenting the melodramatic tragedy of needing to restrict his salacious hand tugging in the shower, to Andrew coining the new hashtag that no one ever asked for or wanted (#WWOD), and then there’s Ser purchasing a Wii U lot that came with a bunch games that were actually released this generation.

We toss about the use of Kickstarter, IndieGogo, the inception of FIG, and all that—the act if giving money to an entity that defines are interest in these dumb things that we call video games is quite the hot button of discussion to be having.

Until Dawn, Beyond Eyes, Submerged, Super Mario 3D World, Destiny, The Witcher 3, Tembo The Bad-ass Elephant, Rare Replay, Battletoad butts, and just, so much, more!

Just listen to it already, I think we’ve covered enough don’t you?

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR 94

f there ever was a constant that we’ve seen within the world of video games is that it’s forever caught in a rat race of progression; constantly trying to outdo whatever was done before it.

And in some cases; redoing something we’ve seen all over again with a new coat of polish—actually, it’s safe to say that we’ve seen this, in a LOT of cases…

Join us here at PPR as we discuss the torrent of titles that have gotten a high definition facelift in the recent years, sometime re-releasing multiple times. Is it too much? Is this yet another sign of games facing a creative bankruptcy? Maybe, or maybe not, you won’t really know what we think until you listen to the episode, dummy.

In addition, we converse about a crap-load of games, Destiny, FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, Axiom Verge, Hotline Miami 2, Bloodborne, and more; and then there’s a bunch of childhood reminiscing over how terrible we all were as kids—what are you waiting for? Start listening!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR 92

t’s 2015 and yet, Jacob Marley’s ghost of Christmas gaming’s past has spilled over into the new year to haunt us some more, and well—that’s ok really.

We kick off the big Two-Oh-One-Five with our thoughts on Amiibos, Skylanders, and the rest of the interactive toy craze or as Andrew likes to call it “Toys-To-Life” trend that’s been sweeping video games as of late. In addition we talk about the values of owning a uninsured motorist policy on your car insurance premium, Evolve, AGDQ, Destiny, Neo Geo X, Lizard Squad, Twinkle Star Sprites, how dumb Linkin Park really was, and more! This latest episode is a bit of a doozy as far as content and length goes so settle down, and kick your feet up, because we’re here to help you get comfortable.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


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