Entries in sequel (2)


QCF: Fear Effect Sedna

This review was freelanced by Jon McAnally. You can find more reviews and articles written by him over at https://dontfeedthegamers.com/author/jonmcanally/Follow me on the Twitterverse @McAnallyJon

fter a seventeen year chasm in time, the Fear Effect crew is back. Back in the late 90's/early 2000's, the Fear Effect saga brought players to a cyberpunk world full of espionage, digital terrorism, and a unique story brought together by the team of Hana, Glas, Rain, and Deke. While the original title and its sequel, Retro Helix, may serve as a nostalgic gaming experience, there were some major imperfections as far as gameplay and controls. Fear Effect Sedna comes jam-packed with the nostalgia, but is the gameplay overhaul better than what its predecessors could do?

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QCF: Infintity Blade III

This Review was Freelanced by Rob Rich; you can find his other work here

here are always a few games that become synonymous with their platforms. Not just because they’re exclusives, not because there are plenty of “this console only” titles out there, but because they exceptional exclusives. Infinity Blade is one such game, and it’s one of the biggest (if not the biggest) names in iOS gaming. The first was a tale of revenge against a seemingly immortal tyrant told over the course of centuries, and it blew minds thanks to its use of the Unreal Engine to create some truly amazing visuals--on a phone, no less.

The second continued the story of Siris and his crusade against the Deathless, and dressed the visuals up a bit, but the big change was a more impressive scope and variation to the enemies and environments. Infinity Blade III is the wayward hero’s final stop as he attempts to make up for his past and put an end to the reign of the Deathless for good.

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