Entries in Indie Games (219)


PAX East 2012: Boston Indie Showcase Panel Liveblog


GDC 12: The return of Beat'em up Brawlers

Constantly moving to the right, punching every single moving thing with two or four legs directly in the face that is what it truly is to be beat’em up. In this day and age, the genre hasn’t had the best of journeys, and most of us often fancy the better days wearing rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia. Re-releases and throwbacks aside, three games aim to bring back the rush of beating a roasted turkey out of someone’s chest as we take a look at what they had to offer with some white-knuckled playtime.  

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On this very special episode of Press Pause Radio, we cover all the sites and sounds from GDC 2012. GeorgieBoysAXE returns from his first (possibly last) visit to the Game Developers Conference and describes his adventures to us all. The second half of the episode is exclusive interviews with developers on the show floor, as they discuss some of the best games set to release this year. Please enjoy this very special episode, and come right back in a few weeks as we gear up to invade Boston for PAX East 2012. Thanks for listening!

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GDC 12: Indie Game The Movie Impressions

On Monday night, GDC attendees had the opportunity to get a free screening of Indie Game: The Movie. The film sets to encapsulate the experience of three different indie developers and their struggles they face in their craft of game development. The movie hasn’t seen commercial release yet, but it should be on everyone’s radar. Behind the all of the tropes one would associate with a documentary and their exaggerated portrayals, Indie Game: The Movie sets out to show you every gut wrenching moment and it may just even touch your heart.

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GDC 12: The Dear Esther Keynote Live Blog


GDC 12: The IGF Recap

As the stage lighting slowly dims, the spotlight closes in on Andy Schatz of Monaco fame, who's hosting the fourteenth annual Independent Games Festival Awards. He approaches the podium as the audience grows restless with excitement. I was denied the opportunity to live blog the event, but figure what I could do instead was write about the actual event itself, and talk about one of the most significant events in the industry today (sadly one of the most overlooked as well).

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GDC 12: Hands-on preview of FEZ

As I stumble through the doors being frisked by weary bouncers, I find myself standing in the middle of the DNA Lounge. It is here that 8bitSF is throwing their POW event, where indie developers mingle and network at live show of various indie rock bands inspired by video game culture. As I just finished listening to The Glowing Stars set finish on stage, I turned my head and confirmed what was curiously in my peripheral. Low and behold, FEZ was available for play in a make shift kiosk where no one was playing it. This was an opportunity that spoke directly to me and on this wild ride; I was spoken to yet again on so many levels by little Gomez.

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GDC 12: Half-Brick Keynote: Fruit Ninja/ Jetpack Joyride Live Blog