Entries in TATE (31)


Bullet Heaven #244 - Psyvariar Delta (Switch)

Psyvariar was a series we never really "got" when playing the Sega Dreamcast version of Psyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate... but Psyvariar Delta has definitely gotten us up to code. This Switch, PC and PS4 release freshens up the Playstation 2 Psyvariar releases, adds a ton more replay and definitely delivers the goods, but how does it stack up?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 241: "_____"
Bullet Heaven 242: Rapid-Fire Revisits Vol.1
Bullet Heaven 243: Tatsujin DLC (Game Tengoku Crusin' Mix Special)

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 209 - Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch Ver.)

In episode 171, we took a look at the PC verison of Doragon's Danmaku Unlimited 3 by the super-talented Sunny Tam. Also seeing release to mobile devices in 2017, a new version is now available for the Nintendo Switch... but how does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode #202 - Strikers 1945 II for Nintendo Switch

Zerodiv is back with yet another entry in the Psikyo for Nintendo Switch line with Striker 1945 II! With a number of great features and some really cool special abilities, how does this 1997 arcade shooter hold up? Let's take a closer look.


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 201 - Samurai Aces for Nintendo Switch

Zerodiv is back with another entry in the Psikyo for Niontendo Switch line with Samurai Aces, also known in Japan as Sengoku Ace! As the first game that Psiyko would make afte splitting from Video System, how does Samurai Aces hodld up? Let's take a closer look.

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 193 - Gunbird for Nintendo Switch

hmuppy Switchmas may be over, but the Shmuppy Holidays continue! We've seen a lot of western developed shooting games in the last couple of moinths but what about classic japanese ones? Well this time, we take a look at Gunbird for Nintendo Switch. We've wanted to review this one since early 2010 but it somehow never happened, despite having it al this time on the Sega Saturn. How does it (finally) stack up?


Get Gunbird for Nintendo Switch! - https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/gunbird-for-nintendo-switch

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 188 - Jet Buster

n episode 152, we took a look at Zenodyne R by Team Grybanser Fox. Their latest, Jet Buster takes feedback from Zenodyne to craft a much more approachable game that sets itself apart from Team Grybanser Fox's other games by way of an Antrho character set. How does it stack up? Let's take a look.

Get Jet Buster on Steam or Itch or both! 

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Bullet Heaven Episode 181 - Graze Counter

Cho Ren Sha is a game a lot of people have requested to be shown on Bullet Heaven. This... is not that review, but Bikkuri Software's Graze Counter might just be the next best thing! How does it stack up? 

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 171 - Danmaku Unlimited 3

anmaku Unlimited 3 joins the fray on Steam amongst a glut of indie developed bullet hell shooters. Some have been great in the past... many more have been not so hot. How does Danmaku Unlimited 3 Stack up ?

In The Credits: 
Vector Strain
Ghost Blade HD: Altered State NOW AVAILABLE!


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