Entries in Play Play (70)


PPR Presents Play Play: Rocket Knight Adventures

ey all! We’re finally returning to consistent Play Play videos again, and we cannot wait to highlight one of the most slept-on, overlooked franchises in all of gaming, the Rocket Knight Adventures franchise. Arguably, people who are familiar with the series claim that the property ultimately peaked where it began with the original, but we disagree, as we take the time to explore the series as a whole starting with this first entry. In this video, we’ll be asking ourselves the important questions like is it a Run ‘n Gun, or a Platformer, and does Bacon taste crispier when it’s on SEGA.

Join George and Ser on this fiery, yet furry romp into Konami’s first full-fledged Mascot title for the Sega Genesis—without any “Only 90’s kids will remember’ memes for your viewing pleasure!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Super Play: Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero Part 1

all us a one-hit-wonder because man has it been awhile since we’ve published a Play Play video, let alone a SUPER Play—that’s right, a full-on Playthrough, and not just any playthrough either…

We’re diving into one of the worst games of the fifth generation—Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. Join George and Sean as they wax poetic about how much they either love, or hate this game, because sure, while its way to dark and grainy to look at a lot of the time, it’s hard as shit, and cheap too, but they can’t stop coming back for more!

This is the first half of the session, where we manage to reach the halfway point of this abysmal spinoff—join us as we try to determine just why this is Georgie’s favorite Mortal Kombat game.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Play Play: Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles

onic Mania is fast approaching, and while we don’t have our review ready just yet, we do have a few special looks at some choice cuts from the Blue Blur’s past that we think have influenced the direction seen in the new 2D throwback.

This particular title within the hero’s 16-bit catalog redefined what Sonic could do, and set the tone for the series for years to come in terms of an ensemble cast, and an adventure of epic proportions. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles may be better known as a meme than a classic these days, but it was the biggest game that featured the hog, and is considered to be the peak of the Sonic’s Genesis library.

Join Ser and George as they get down to some sweet tunes that may, or may not have had some compositional work done by all-time legend in pop music in this latest Play Play.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Play Play: Sonic CD


onic Mania is fast approaching, and while we don’t have our review ready just yet, we do have a few special looks at some choice cuts from the Blue Blur’s past that we think have influenced the direction seen in the new 2D throwback.

The next game up is one that gets a lot of praise despite being another obscure entry from the Hedgehog’s prime, as we sit down and play Sonic CD on the SEGA CD. Unlike Chaotix, this title has recently seen re-releases across a bevy of modern platforms, and it was in that re-release that Christian White got his start with the franchise under SEGA’s payroll as well.

Join Ser and George as they discuss whether or not this game deserves the distinction of being the best 16-bit Sonic title ever done in another new Play Play!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Play Play: Jack Bros.

hile Atlus is currently cracking down on anyone who decides to stream/upload late gameplay of Persona 5, we’re pretty confident that there’s one pseudo-Persona game that they could give a shit about anyone posting—WE ACTUALLY DID A PLAY PLAY OF JACK BROS.

Out of the twelve or so games that made it to the Virtual Boy, Jack Bros is considered to be one of the rarest games out there, and it stars the cutest adaptions of Shin Megami Tensei bestiary in obnoxious red on black action. Join Ser and Georgie as they get down to the criminally overlooked tunes of Atlus’ mascot powered rogue-like dungeon crawler for the doomed Nintendo console.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Play Play: Dark Souls III

he Ringed City expansion just dropped for Dark Souls III, and it reminded us that we’re still hunting through the kingdom of Lothric for those tasty souls. Dark Souls III is considered to be the best of the best from Hidetaka Miyazaki, as it reinvents some of the familiar combat dynamics around the Blooborne engine in the framework of the Souls franchise into a sequel that still has players hooked on it to this day.

Andrew has made it no secret that he hates these types of games, but he said what the hell, and decided to pull up seat alongside Georgie, swinging around ancient blades against nightmare demons until they died—a lot.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Play Play: Mass Effect: Andromeda

he Mass Effect Trilogy is one of the most beloved properties to have ever graced the last decade of gaming—regardless of how you may feel about the third entry of the series.

It isn’t too surprising that we would be treated to a new generation of the series, taking place in an entirely new galaxy, and led by a brand new hero named Ryder. Mass Effect: Andromeda is an exciting opportunity for the franchise to pick back up again after the debacle of the Mass Effect 3, but unfortunately, it’s an opportunity that BioWare really fumbles up on.

George and Andrew take to the helm to address some of the concerns we have the sequel, and whether or not it’s worth checking out in this new Play Play of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Play Play: Yooka-Laylee

t was almost twenty years ago that a bear and bird captured the heart of nearly every cartridge-based gamer around—and that reverence for Banjo-Kazooie lives on to this day.

So much so that there’s been a noticeable void in the collectable platformer genre for the current generation that seems to be reserved for anything that’s 8-bit or 16-bit when it comes to retro tributes. Luckily, a group of ex Rare developers saw that gap, and decided to form their studio named Playtonic Games, crowd sourcing interest for a next-generation collectathon titled Yooka-Laylee, and man did that thing make a whole lot of money the moment it hit the internet—people were famished of this kind of adventure.

Well, the wait’s over, the game’s here, and while it might be George’s favorite game of 2017 so far, there are some problems that Ser and him just can’t help but address; here’s our Play Play for Yooka-Laylee.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!