Entries in Horizontal (38)


Bullet Heaven #240 - Gradius III (SFC)

This review has been a very long time coming, but Game Boy Guru of the RF Generation Shmups Club spurred us on to finally check out Gradius III! In this episode, we're taking a look at the Super Famicom version of the game; how does it fare as an entry point to the series?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 237: Stahlfeder
Bullet Heaven 238: 70's Robot Anime Geppy-X
Bullet Heaven 239: Super Tank Warfare: Adventia

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Bullet Heaven #238 - 70's Robot Anime Geppy-X (PSX)

In all of shooting games, there's no other game out there that delivers the authentic 70's anime experience like Geppy-X does. This obscure Japan-only horizontal scrolling shooter from Aroma is gauranteed to be unlike any shooting game players have ever experienced before or since. But, HOW does it do this? Why 4 discs!? And just how does it stack up??

In the Credits:
Bullet Heaven 236: Rym 9000
Bullet Heaven CCXXXVII Einhander Taikenban
Bullet Heaven 237: Stahlfeder

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Bullet Heaven Episode 220 - Rolling Gunner (PC DVD)

We love doujin shooters here on Bullet Heaven so when we heard a pretty snazzy STG was released at the 2018 Comiket and we could get it in as easily as we could, we just had to check it out. What we didn't expect was the amazing quality held on the DVD that arrived. In this episode of Bullet Heaven, we're taking a look at Rolling gunner!

Get Rolling Gunner (and its soundtrack!) with worldwide shipping here

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 199 - Aqua Kitty UDX (Switch)

Since 1981, Many games have been made that empoly the core structure of Williams' Defender. We have taken a look at quite a few games that employ one or several of these mechanics in the past, and now it's finally time to check out Aqua Kitty Milk Mine Defender UDX on Nintendo Switch! How does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven 187 - Earth Atlantis

he Switch has yet another shoot em up! This time, it's the underwater themed, post-apocalyptic, Metroidvania-infused Earth Atlantis! How does this "Shmuproidvania" stack up??

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Bullet Heaven Episode 182 - Sine Mora EX

In Episode 49 of Bullet heaven, we took a look at Sine Mora on the Xbox 360. We really liked its time-bending mechanics and excellent sense of style back then, so how does THQ Nordic's Sine Mora EX fare with its extra modes, tweaks and features? Let's take a look!

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 167 - Zangeki Warp

ere comes the "Get Ready!!" as Nyu Media and Astro Port are back with another sidescrolling shoot-em-up! This time, it's Zangeki Warp, a slow-paced yoko shmup with a teleportation-twist! How does it stack up? 


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Bullet Heaven #147 Double Feature - Strike Witches: Hakugin no Tsubasa

nime licensed games are often of the RPG or Visual Novel type these days. That's not to say that others don;t exist, far from it. But often, the Visual Novel style will bleed heavily into the other genre in question. Strike Witches: Hakugin no Tsuabasa is one such game... but as a super light-on-story, fanservice-heavy property to begin with, how does it stack up?

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