Entries in Shmup (76)


Bullet Heaven #320 - Advanced Busterhawk GleyLancer

It's a legendary Mega Drive shooter with a very, VERY steep buy-in, if you're into legit carts. But now, thanks to Ratalaika Games, Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer is now available for a very attractive $8. How does this classic blaster stack up?

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Bullet Heaven #250 - Harmful Park (PSX)

You asked. We listened. and now it's finally time to check out Harmful Park. It's the most expensive shooter we've ever reviewed on Bullet Heaven; We paid in. You donated. And we even won the top prize on a lotto scratch ticket. So is this game worth its current asking price? Let's see how it stacks up.


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Bullet Heaven #249 - Summer Carnival '92: Alzad**k

Got excited with Summer Carnival '92 up there, dincha? Well we already took a look at Recca, so now it's time for the one with the funny name that no one talks about. How does it stack up?

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Bullet Heaven #237 - Power Strike II (Master System)

It's our first-ever Master System shmups review and what better way to go than knocking out what is widely regarded as the best shmup on the system? The Power Strike line is a pretty confusing one in terms of what entries belong to what actual series; The Master System's Power Strike II both is and isn't a true sequel to Power Strike "1", also known as Aleste in Japan. It's also not related to Power Strike II on the Game Gear which IS an Aleste title, called GG Aleste. So just how does this Aleste-alike stack up?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 244: Psyvariar Delta
Bullet Heaven 245: Vasara Collection
Bullet Heaven 236: Pacific Wings

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Bullet Heaven #244 - Psyvariar Delta (Switch)

Psyvariar was a series we never really "got" when playing the Sega Dreamcast version of Psyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate... but Psyvariar Delta has definitely gotten us up to code. This Switch, PC and PS4 release freshens up the Playstation 2 Psyvariar releases, adds a ton more replay and definitely delivers the goods, but how does it stack up?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 241: "_____"
Bullet Heaven 242: Rapid-Fire Revisits Vol.1
Bullet Heaven 243: Tatsujin DLC (Game Tengoku Crusin' Mix Special)

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Bullet Heaven #241 - TITLE UNKNOWN

We love a good doujin game here on Bullet Heaven but so many of them are doomed to obscurity... unless obscurity is the main draw. And we might have found, hands down, the single most obscure shmup of all time... and Platine Dispositif is behind it all. So how does this mysterious game stack up?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 238: 70's Robot Anime Geppy-X
Bullet Heaven 239: Super Tank Warfare: Adventia
Bullet Heaven 240: Gradius III

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Bullet Heaven #240 - Gradius III (SFC)

This review has been a very long time coming, but Game Boy Guru of the RF Generation Shmups Club spurred us on to finally check out Gradius III! In this episode, we're taking a look at the Super Famicom version of the game; how does it fare as an entry point to the series?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 237: Stahlfeder
Bullet Heaven 238: 70's Robot Anime Geppy-X
Bullet Heaven 239: Super Tank Warfare: Adventia

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Bullet Heaven #238 - 70's Robot Anime Geppy-X (PSX)

In all of shooting games, there's no other game out there that delivers the authentic 70's anime experience like Geppy-X does. This obscure Japan-only horizontal scrolling shooter from Aroma is gauranteed to be unlike any shooting game players have ever experienced before or since. But, HOW does it do this? Why 4 discs!? And just how does it stack up??

In the Credits:
Bullet Heaven 236: Rym 9000
Bullet Heaven CCXXXVII Einhander Taikenban
Bullet Heaven 237: Stahlfeder

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