PPR Games Club: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection Side A
So hopefully everyone knows how our Games Club works by now. We play through a game, and discuss it on the show along with your comments. However this time we are switching things up, by playing not one but two games. The recently released Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection on PS3 gives us the perfect opportunity to discuss some of the finest games ever released on the Playstation 2, now remastered in HD for the Playstation 3. So whether you are playing the original or the re-released version, we will discuss both in great detail. This week's show is Side A, where we discuss Ico. Please remember that this is a Games Club, and the entire game will be discussed. So play along and enjoy the show, and continue to play Shadow of the Colossus which will be recorded soon for next week's show.