PPR 37
Press Pause Radio returns to the digital airwaves with a very special episode. This week we will take a step back from our normal format to discuss the recent anniversaries of the Nintendo Entertainment System as well as the Sony Playstation 2. Our first segment features GeorgieBoysAXE and Toast sitting down with Pokemon Podcast's own @Catiemari to reflect on all the whimsy and warm childhood memories of the NES.
The second segment switches up the lineup as the crew welcomes back @MrMattJay from Dualshockers as they converse about the big brick that could, the Playstation 2. The system that even after being on the market for over a decade still has games being published and played on a regular basis. We hope that you will enjoy our trip down memory lane, and if you have any memories or stories you would like to share feel free to share them through our forums or various social pages. Don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes and Zune, so we can reach more and more listeners. Enjoy the show!

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