PPR 45
Episode 45 of Press Pause Radio is coming across the airwaves via your favorite podcast service provider. Whether that is an mp3 player, a personal computer or a smartphone we are happy to be with you wherever you go. And speaking of things on the go, we will be discussing the past, present and distressing future of portable gaming. The crew of Press Pause Radio welcome guest Matthew Jay from Snackbar Games, who you may remember from our PAX East episode earlier in the year. Fortunately this time around he is not able to sabotage our recording due to technical issues. We will also discuss various animes and some newer games that we have had the chance to review, including the Summer of Arcade hit Bastion. No matter where you are listening, we hope you enjoy the show and encourage you to rate and review us on iTunes and Zune so that we can reach more and more listeners. Thanks and enjoy!
P.S. I hate you too Dustin. -Toast