
QCF: Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

he first thing you will notice when Brothers : A tale of Two sons has loaded is how vast the environment is even though for the most part the game is fairly linear. From the rocks on the Mountain to the leaves on the Trees, to the made up language that you almost start to understand this game is hands-down gorgeous, engaging and will keep you playing until you've seen the end.

The story follows two brothers, having lost their mother prior to the start of the game, embarking on a quest to save their ailing father by recovering a healing concoction from a mystical tree. Throughout your journey, you will meet a small cast of supporting characters, such as the Heartbroken Ogre. These characters will help you in your quest just as you help them.

Using the two analog sticks and the trigger buttons, you control both brothers at the same time. This is where the game gets a little tricky, but is what also makes the game appealing and unique. Of course me being me,  I would tend to forget that the controls go based on the brother and would often find myself throwing the older brother off a ledge simply for thinking that because I needed the younger brother, who would be further to the right, to do something; I would need to release the right trigger. This would result in sending the older brother falling to his death. If you can keep your brothers under control then the game won't prove to be all that difficult. Despite this lack of skill on my part the brothers are fairly easy to control, I can't recall ever getting frustrated with how the input felt. Neither brother came off as too sluggish or too swift.  

Each brother has his strengths and weaknesses. For Example, the Younger brother is able to slip through bars and the Older brother can pick up heavier objects.  Some of the Puzzles are just difficult enough to make you feel clever once you've figured them out. But none will ever leave you truly stuck. You have no weapons to get you through your travels so when encountered by enemies you have to outsmart them with your surroundings.  

The controls aren't the only thing that add to the game, the game is visually stunning. The environment has so much detail there are times that you feel as though you could be looking at a picture of some untouched land. The ambient sounds only add to this gorgeous paradise. The running water in a rushing river, the creaking of an old wooden gate, and the leaves in the trees--nothing grates on your ears or makes you want to turn off the audio. For those of us who are used to having our characters decked out in the latest Adamantoise armor the main characters may come off as a little generic but for two boys, living at home with no real need for armor or weapons, they fit the part. Who needs fancy armour anyway?

As much as I can go on and on about how amazing this game is you won't know it's splendour unless you play it. Brothers is one of those games that you absolutely must play this year. I can't recall the last time I actually sat down and played a game straight through to the end. This is a game that you just will not be able to put down; it's a decent length and if you put your dedication into it you can finish the game in one sitting (took me less than 4 hours without achievements) but it is worth every minute. Some people may be a little hesitant when they see the price of $14.99, but trust me, it’s money well spent.

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