Life Through The Pixel Glass-02/13/2013
nother week, another opportunity to return to our regularly scheduled Wednesday feature, Life Through The Pixel Glass, the weekly culture soaked feature that centers on the video game life style. This particular week will play host to one of the most cherished yet reviled holidays of the year, Valentine’s Day; we were originally going to show off some cool custom valentines cards but Telltale already blew the roof up with that one. In light of this, we figured we would just stick to what we we’re good at and just show you a bunch of cool shit instead…
Originally showcased on Polygon yesterday, we couldn’t help but continue to expose the video that showcases the beautiful woodcraft of Swedish artist and designer Love Hulten’s custom MAME Arcade cab. The R-Kaid-6, as Hulten has dubbed it, is a fine wood-crafted projector that runs a sophisticated arcade board on the inside running customized firmware that’s capable of emulating hundreds of different arcade titles. As you can see within the video, the arcade pads fit on top of the projector and are even swappable via magnet alternative for Joystick to trackball control and visa versa. Hulten has vaguely mentioned that you can purchase the components necessary to recreate the R-Kaid-6, but is very vague on whether or not he’s selling his craft through commission or not, check out his site here.
This web-comic has been going strong for quite some time to me and boggles my mind that nearly every time I brings this strip into topic, no one has any idea just what exactly I’m talking about; so I’m rectifying that now. Diesel Sweeties, a strip of dysfunctional yet trendy nerds (you might argue that some of them may fall under the “hipster” class) has been entertaining its readers with its sharp wit and lowbrow comedy since 2000. The aesthetic is that of a digitized sprite pastel that resonates with anyone who loves the quote unquote “16-bit look” but irreverent shenanigans these characters get into encompass nearly every aspect of nerd culture. This strip is updated about every other day and is so non-sequitur that once you breeze by the new reader section, you’ll be lost into 13 years’ worth of comics to keep you clicking and clicking.
Remember when we first brought back LTTPG, we featured a blog by a guy named Stu Brett, or as you may know him as, The Super Famicom Guy. Anyway, it was downright criminal of me to neglect in that post that Stu is also an avid designer of clothing apparel at Red Bubble. You’ll find designs that range from a sweet stencil of the Stu’s namesake and assumedly his favorite Nintendo console, to the a portrait juxtaposition of shapes and strokes everyone’s favorite household meth manufacturer Walter White. If you’re looking for a new screen tee indie designer then look no further then Stu and his assortment of brilliant tops.
Back at PAX Prime 2012 when we first covered it at Indie Megabooth, Delver’s Drop showed a lot of promise with it’s crisp aesthetic and it’s promise of rouge-like options that boasted the potential of Binding of Isaac meets Majora’s Mask but it was incredibly bare bones. Well, Pixelscopic has now decided to try their hands with everyone’s facorite crowd founding outlet and they’re looking to get some endorsement for their software. From when we last looked at the title, the game has developed considerably and has displayed more of its physics driven gameplay dynamics in action and seems poised to become the new rouge-like RPG that will topple the genre for home computer owners everywhere; granted if the game gets funded. Delver’s Drop, again gets out approval, check out their Kickstarter and support it however you can.
Well everyone, it seems that The Free Bundle is out yet again with a whole new slew of different games. Hopefully this bundle (granted, the guys at Indiedrome did express their distaste with the large abundance of indie bundles as of late) starts getting more and more exposure because if there’s one thing that anyone can agree on, it’s that we all love free games.
Brian Ochalla is the Gay Gamer, and he’s also one of the most interesting subjects when it comes to the topic of video games. Brian keeps his blog updated regularly, and will wax on about a variety of subjects in games, generally Japanese focused but still manages to also give his two cents on the current climate of console gaming as well. Not only does he write regularly but he also contributes his voice to our friend in EGM Shidoshi’s podcast website, The Morning Project, which also recently released a new episode for their show, The Nichiest Podcast Ever. Check this blog out and even add it to your RSS feed.