PPR Four Year Anniversary Show
eeping things modest again this time of year, we wanted to celebrate our 4th year going with another commentary track just for you guys, and considering the choices we gave you, the most volatile one took it home. We humbly thank all of our followers for the years of support as PPR has honestly been and will continue to be one of the best gigs we do on the web. So let’s get to the matter at hand, for those of you who don’t own Super Mario Bros. the movie, it’s conveniently located on YouTube and linked here just for you . The instructions for playing the commentary will be on the podcast so you be sure to kick up a seat and keep your booze handy, these drinking rules are rough…Click the jump and get ready.
Every time that Mario and/or Luigi refer to each other by name or mention Daisy, take a drink.
Whenever “the rock” is mentioned (or meteorite), take a drink.
Anytime the bob-omb appears randomly, take a drink.
Every time there is a forced reference to the Super Mario games, take a drink.
Every time, the “fungus” is shown on screen (you know which one), take a drink.
Every time the Devo Machine is used to make someone evolve or de-evolve, take a drink.
Whenever it is mentioned, or Mario and Luigi use their plumbing skills, take a drink.
Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today, follow us on our new Twitch page, mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and be sure to stop by at our Forums and register as well! Thank you guys again, we love hearing from you guys so don’t be shy, here’s to another year! Oh and here are some really awkward words from John Leguizamo.