PPR Games Club: Gone Home
ove is a lot of things, but rarely is it ever easy; especially when you’re a teenager. For our very first Games Club of 2014, we invite Shidoshi of EGM and The Morning Project fame to join us as we break down why Gone Home was one of the most influential games to release in 2013. We talk price, drop our opinion on just what kind of game it is, and of course; we spill into the territory of crazy theories and the possible weight they may hold to Kaitlin’s return.
Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!
Also, we sit down and play through the experience from start to finish to highlight all of the opaque allusions of the Gone Home saga, grab your favorite snack and watch with us won’t you?

Reader Comments (1)
I have a response to something George said in the podcast. This isn't meant to be an attack on George's opinion, just an opposing viewpoint based on my personal experience. In the podcast, George talks about how in his opinion, the reaction of Sam's parents to her coming out is based not on her age, but her gender, claiming that if she were male, they would have accepted this. I've never seen that occur with a boy around that age, but I have seen the opposite occur.
I have a cousin, currently in his late twenties, who is openly gay. When he came out, the reaction of his mother and father were exactly the same as that of Sam's parents. Had he been a full adult when he came out, they would have respected his life choices to the same extent we could expect Sam's parents to if she had been an adult. But my cousin was thirteen. He continued to hear the same excuses of "you'll meet the right girl" from age thirteen until he went off to college, got his degree, moved to NYC for work and cut himself off from his parents completely. That's what it took. So yeah, really I just wanted to give my input. I really think Sam's parents react regardless of gender, and would have treated her the same if she were a boy coming out. Good episode though, gentlemen, as always.