Evo 2016: Day Three Impressions
ur weekend at Evo comes to an end, as we pack into the Mandalay Bay Events Center for the Top 8 and finals of Evo 2016. Some great highlights from the event as well as big announcements were as exciting as the gameplay on Sunday.
Announcements from the day included:
Guilty Gear Announcements, Dizzy new DLC character, free for limited time starting July 18.
EVO Japan announced, more information at Tokyo Game Show
Two new characters revealed for Tekken 7; Bob and Master Raven
Juri confirmed as new DLC character for Street Fighter V, coming by end of the month.
And moving onto the finals of each main game of Evo, the results are as listed:
Mortal Kombat X: CR SonicFox vs. Tekken Master. Winner: CR SonicFox
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Kane Blue river vs. NYChris G. Winner: NYChris G
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator: Omito vs. Machado.
Winner: Machado
Super Smash Bros. Melee: (A)rmada vs. Liquid Hungrybox. Winner: Liquid Hungrybox
Personal highlights were SonicFox taking off his hat perhaps for the very first time during the Grand Finals of Mortal Kombat X, as well as the random shirtless gentleman going on stage to either congratulate Chris G or maybe show him his controller? We still really don't know but thankfully it occurred with no real incident or violence of any kind.
The matchup between Armada and Hungrybox was intense and the crowd was the loudest during these matches than any other matchup, except maybe for the response to LI Joe. Long Island Joe was being pushed as the only American player in the Top 8 of Street Fighter V and Evo and ESPN definitely pushed this fact throughout the event.
But someone as nice and humble as Joe certainly deserved the attention and the applause, making it an Evo moment that will be talked about for quite some time.

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