Bullet Heaven, Episode #172 - Pang Adventures (PS4)
ang! Ring any bells? Maybe you'd know it as Buster Bros? Or Pomping World? However you call it, Pang has been around for quite a while. Pastagames and DotEmu have banded together to bring us Pang Adventures on PS4, Xbox One, Steam and mobile platforms! How does it stack up??Pang! Ring any bells? Maybe you'd know it as Buster Bros? Or Pomping World? However you call it, Pang has been around for quite a while. Pastagames and DotEmu have banded together to bring us Pang Adventures on PS4, Xbox One, Steam and mobile platforms! How does it stack up??
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This episode of Bullet Heaven was made with a copy of the game provided by the developer for review. The opinions expressed are our own and are not paid for by the developer, publisher or any retailers or resellers in any way.