Bullet Heaven Episode 183 - Senko no Ronde 2
he premier 'Ballet' Shooter is back! The Senko no Ronde series returns with a new installment on PS4 and PC, thanks once again to Degica Games! But what's this? Isn't Senko no Ronde 2 just Senko no Ronde DUO with a fresh coat of paint? Only one way to find out... Let's take a closer look!!
Get Senko no Ronde 2 on PSN or STEAM!!
Wartech: Senko no Ronde (Xbox 360)
Senko no Ronde DUO (Xbox 360 JP)
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This episode of Bullet Heaven was made with a copy of the game provided by the publisher for reveiw. The opinions expressed are our own and are not paid for by the developer, publisher or any retailers or resellers in any way.