Bullet Heaven, Episode 195 - RXN -Raixin-
e're finally wrapping up the Shmuppy Switchmas Holidays with perhaps the most anticipated shmup on Nintendo's console yet. RXN -Raixin- is the kind of shooter a lot of us have been waiting for... but how does it hold up?
Get RXN -Raixin- on the Nintendo eShop here: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/rxn-raijin-switch
We know some of you haven't liked it, but the sheer volume of shooters in this short amount of time has been incredible. Despite it all, we hoped you enjoyed this kind of impromptu block of reviews. We'll be back to other systems soon.
In the credits:
RIVE Ultimate Edition
Gunbird for Nintendo Switch
The Next Penelope
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This episode of Bullet Heaven was made with a copy of the game provided by the publisher reveiw. The opinions expressed are our own and are not paid for by the developer, publisher or any retailers or resellers in any way.