Entries in Adventure Time (1)


PPR Presents Now Showing: 08/12/2014

he summer doldrums carry on, and while the some of us here on the site are enjoying the down time in between the reviews and podcasts, the season is perfect for pumping all of us up for the holiday season that’s upon us.

The theme in this Now Showing is Multiplayer folks; there’s that fancy shmancy new next-generation multiplayer Assassin’s Creed Unity. Then there’s the multiplayer of the upcoming Natural Doctrine from NIS America for the JRPG fans salivating for it on the PS4.

Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds fights it’s way on the PS Vita, encouraging players that they can still bring a friend or two. Finally, WayForward is working on the third Adventure Time game to hit consoles soon; we don’t know if it’s multiplayer to be honest, but it looks fun as shit.

The heat’s coming round, and before we know it, the sunshine will be gone so soak it in while you can, I know we are—because within weeks, we’ll be hitting the street of Seattle for PAX Prime, enjoy the trailers folks!

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