Entries in AM2 (2)


QCF: Sonic: The Fighters

hat pops into your head when you see these next three words?

"Sonic the Hedgehog."

Were you thinking about a fighting game? Probably, because you've more than likely seen the title of this article, and you're reading this review. But hold on there, did you think of a good fighting game? Probably not, right? Well, buckle up, because this could be an interesting ride.

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QCF: Fighting Vipers (PSN)

irtua Fighter, at the time of its release was an innovative, incredibly fresh experience that set a new standard by which fighting games in the future had to measure up to. At the time, no one did it better than Sega AM2, and a year after the release of Virtua Fighter 2 came Fighting Vipers, a brand new franchise in the same vein as Virtua Fighter – complete with the same level of depth and absurdly huge move sets - but with brand new characters and an new dynamic: Body armor.

Fighting Vipers also released on the Sega Saturn alongside its Virtua cousins, and is now available in HD on the XBLA and PSN marketplaces.

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