Entries in Amazing (2)


Kenna Warsinske: The woman who modded The Legend of Zelda

hen hobbyist animator and feminist Kenna Warsinske made changes to The Legend of Zelda, she’s willing to admit it was because she simply wanted to. She wanted Princess Zelda to play with power, and she wanted others to experience the impact for themselves.

“There’s no one to stop me from eating candy before bed and there’s nothing standing in the way of me creating the games I want to play,” Kenna Warsinske noted on her blog days before her Zelda starring Zelda mod exploded around the internet.

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QCF: DmC: Devil May Cry

inja Theory incites a bit of a binary response whenever you mention their name. They’re either applauded for their expertise in captivating characterization and cinematic presentation that’s ahead of the curve amongst today’s games, or they’re lambasted for compromising gameplay for presentation with shoddy technical execution of the core design down to even the most fundamental game mechanics. The Devil May Cry series is praised for both of these aspects. As you can see, the hit-or-miss studio had their work cut out for them rebooting the celebrated demon-slaying franchise in the manner they aimed for when the game was first showcased back in 2010.

After experiencing the new Dante and his latest caper first hand, I can assure you that the party has indeed gotten crazier, and you should all RSVP the first chance you get.

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