Entries in Astebreed (2)


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 102 - Astebreed

Indie games that play better than the big guys? Nothing new, but what about a game that's better in gameplay, graphics and sound combined? Get ready for Astebreed! Let's see how it stacks up.


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PAX East 2014: The Best of the Indie mega booth!

ndie Mega Booth is always a delight when it makes an appearance, and now that it’s branched out to the likes of GDC and Indiecade, the roster of games in the showcase is able to stretch into territory of epic proportions both in size and diversity. On top of that, this has had to have been the best showing the booth has ever done so far; meaning I had a heavy heart over deciding which games made the cut for the best of show but the deed is done, so without further adieu—here’s the cream of the crop for Indie Mega Booth at PAX east 2014!

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