Entries in Atari Lynx (1)


PPR Presents Limelight: Analogue Pocket Adapters in Action

After what’s felt like EONS of waiting, Analogue has FINALLY sent out the remaining Analogue Pocket adapters for their FPGA-engineered portable powerhouse, and we’ve got our hands on a set of the elusive do-hickeys to dive in on with y’all.

Join George as he streams an assortment of GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Sega GameGear, Atari Lynx, SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color, and TurboGrafx 16/PC Engine/SuperGrafx games off of the Analogue Pocket on August 23rd, 7:30 PM PST! We don’t know what edgy 90’s slogan to end off on? So maybe we should use all of them—like, To be this good, it take PPR, or WARNING: the following may cause chills, dizziness, and shortness of breath or some other goofy dumbass shit like that…

We don’t know, just show up and check it out!

You can check out the streams here or directly on our Twitch Channel, and vibe along with us as we work towards ushering in a new age of Limelight for y'all!