Entries in Capcom (29)


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 63 - 1943 Kai (PC-10gine #4)

he Bullet Heaven PC-10gine continues! What you're seeing has been captured and reviewed from genuine PC Engine Duo-R hardware for 2013's special episode set!

In episode 63 of Bullet Heaven the series comes full circle as we take a look at 1943 Kai! This "Wild" 1943 was released in 1991 as an enhanced version of the 1987 original, boasting PC Engine exclusive music and stages!

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QCF: DmC: Devil May Cry

inja Theory incites a bit of a binary response whenever you mention their name. They’re either applauded for their expertise in captivating characterization and cinematic presentation that’s ahead of the curve amongst today’s games, or they’re lambasted for compromising gameplay for presentation with shoddy technical execution of the core design down to even the most fundamental game mechanics. The Devil May Cry series is praised for both of these aspects. As you can see, the hit-or-miss studio had their work cut out for them rebooting the celebrated demon-slaying franchise in the manner they aimed for when the game was first showcased back in 2010.

After experiencing the new Dante and his latest caper first hand, I can assure you that the party has indeed gotten crazier, and you should all RSVP the first chance you get.

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QCF: Street Fighter x Mega Man

ega Man has been all but a whimsical phantom during 2012. 2011’s cancellation of Mega Man Universe followed up by Capcom terminating the sequel to the Mascot’s cult-favorite franchise, Mega Man Legends 3, had many Capcom supporters and players scratching their heads as the 25th anniversary of the blue bomber was fast approaching. Reality for Mega Man only seemed grimmer since Keiji Inafune left Capcom, and the only significant appearance the beloved character made in 2012 was in a cross-over fighting game cameo that went a step further to depict him in a parody that caricatured a particularly unfavorable appearance from his past.

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PPR 44

 From the ashes of boxes, moving vans and heavy appliances rises the newest episode of Press Pause Radio. It is also the first show back from our vacation, and it certainly does feel good to be back. On this week's episode we will be discussing the twentieth anniversary of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and all the fond memories that surround the gray and purple wonder. GeorgieboysAXE and Toast welcome our special guest Lacey Gilleran, host of The Quickie which is an excellent program you all should be watching on Youtube or at The Gamer's Thumb. We will discuss the history of the SNES along with recent news from San Diego Comic-Con and Capcom pissing everyone off. Please make sure to rate and review us on iTunes and Zune, along with hanging out with our great community in our forums. Happy Birthday Super Nintendo!

PPR Episode 44


Bullet Heaven Episode S207 - U.N. Squadron

It takes an awful lot to become one of my favorite games of all time. U.N. Squadron (a.k.a Area 88) for the Super NES was one of the cornerstones of my 16-Bit gaming life and even before I had anywhere near a decent interest in Shmups, this one was still one of my favorites. Does it hold up today?

This has easily been my favorite Bullet Heaven episodes to produce to date! Did you like what you saw here today? Questions, Comments and Suggestions are not only welcome, but encouraged!


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