Entries in cool experiment bro (1)


PPR Presents Play Play: Super Mario 64 HD Unity Fan-Game

andom can certainly be a bit overzealous at times, especially when it comes to those who exhibit their devotion in ways that’re a bit unhinged; and then sometimes, it can truly be such a wondrous thing. In order to rigorously play test a new character controller schematic he was coding, a programmer by the name of Eric “Roystan” Ross decided to code a demo that would not only serve as an effective environment for testing, but one that would pay tribute to a gem from his childhood.

A high-definition overhaul of Super Mario 64’s first map, the Bob-omb Field, and boy is it pretty.

It’s a real shame that it had to be taken down so soon after Nintendo slapped the studious developer with a Cease & Desist, luckily, Georgie got some time to check it out, and show you guys what the fuss was all about in this quick little Play Play edition of the demo from Press Pause Radio!

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