PPR Presents Play Play: Skylanders Superchargers
hile the announcement of Skylanders Imaginators (or Imagineers, George keeps mixing it up honestly, and he’s one we expect to keep better track of that shit) was a bit expected and yet still surprising all at the same time—mostly to the reveal of a certain iconic gaming mascot making a cameo.
The Imaginator gimmick seems like a hodgepodge of the Trap Team gimmick, and that sound like an awesome return to form, because like Banjo Kazooie, these critters had their own car “phase” in Superchargers.
Join Ser and George as they talk about how the Skylanders series hasn’t slowed down for the last 5 years, and whether or not that this is good thing; and a bunch of grown men groaning on about hard it still is to buy children’s toys, plenty of that too in this new Play Play.
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