Entries in Dreamcast (12)


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 118 - Sturmwind

elcome to WINTER DREAMS, the new special block for Series 6! In Series 5 of Bullet Heaven HD, we took a look at five new Dreamcast shooting games from German developers NG:Dev.Team and HuCast. They're not the only ones with new Dreamcast shooting goodness though; Duranik and RedSpot Games released Sturmwind, a horizontally scrolling shmup to the masses in 2013. With clearly different influences from the others we've seen on the Dreamcast since 2009, how does Sturmwind fare?


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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 108 - Neo XYX

he Summer Dreams Block Continues!

In this episode, we take a look at Neo XYX, a vertical shooting game that stands alone as the only Neo Geo game with a true TATE aspect ratio. Making its way to the dreamcast in 2014, Neo XYX also stands as the hardest NG:DEV release to date. How does it stack up?



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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 106 - Fast Striker ver.1.5

he Summer Dreams Block Continues on Bullet Heaven HD!


In this episode of Bullet Heaven HD, we take a look at the super-varied Fast Striker on the Sega Dreamcast! With three different core modes each with unique ship and scoring behavior, how does this snappy vertical shmup stack up?

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PPR Presents Lime Light: Gunlord

It’s been a while but Limelight is back! We’re going to stream the latest from NG.DEV.Team, the frantic, old-school inspired Gunlord for the Sega Dreamcast! Take one part Super Turrican, one part Magician Lord, a little bit of Metroid, and you’ve got some bat-shit insanity, ripe for streaming! Tune in around Saturday, October 27th, at 9:00 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Justin.TV account or settle in for the stream right here where George and Andrew get down on the get down and might have a couple of brews while they’re at it. 

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