Entries in E3 2012 (8)


PPR 59

 Another E3 is in the books, and now is the time to discuss all of the big announcements and reveals that were shown during the year's biggest convention for the video game culture. The crew skips current news and events, and focuses solely on their biggest hits and misses from all three of the major press conferences as well as a few surprises. Has E3 lost it's staying power, or was the lineup of titles and new innovations enough to win us over? We will discuss this and so much more on this episode of Press Pause Radio. Make sure to join in on the conversation on the site or on our Twitter and Facebook pages, and while you're at it also make sure to rate and review us on iTunes, Zune or Stitcher Radio. Every little bit helps us reach more people, and it makes us feel special. Thanks!

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PPR 58

With E3 in full swing and conferences from the Big Three already in the books, everyone is buzzing with excitement about all the new games and technology that will be in store for the next year. On Sunday evening before the conference was underway, the crew sat down to discuss their predictions for this year's expo. How close were their predictions to what has actually happened at the convention so far? And will there still be some news to follow in the days to come? We will discuss this and much more on this week's episode of Press Pause Radio. Join in on the E3 conversation on our Facebook and Twitter page, as well as on the site and in our forums. Be sure to come back in a few days as we recap all the happenings from E3 2012!

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E3 2012: Nintendo Keynote Live Blog


E3 2012: Sony Keynote Live Blog


E3 2012: Ubisoft Keynote Live Blog


E3 2012: EA Keynote Live Blog


E3 2012: Nintendo Direct Presentation Summary and Thoughts

Once again, E3 predictions and pre-show streams are flying across the web. As a result, everyone and their nonspecific grandpa (we'll get to that) is freaking out about who's going to showcase what. But truth be told, this is likely to be a slow year for all the major "hardcore" players tied in with Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo, however, has other plans.

Satoru Iwata recently presented a stream via Nintendo Direct where he discussed some of the features for the upcoming Wii U, Nintendo's ultimate weapon (or so we assume) in the continual console wars.

Between awkwardly familiar looking remote controls, and even more awkwardly disturbing possibilities with the Wii U controller's camera, here are some highlights from the brief yet satisfying presentation.

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E3 2012: Microsoft Keynote Live Blog