Entries in E3 2015 (2)


PPR 95

etter late than ever, something as trifling as a transition period and relocation won’t stop the voice of Press Pause Radio, (though admittedly, it’s been murder on our punctuality.) We’re here to discuss all of the highlights of the press events and announcements dropped at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo.

This episode dives into Holo-lens, Backwards-Compatibility, Fallout 4, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros DLC, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Shenmue III, and more; E3 was weirdly fun this year, maybe we might enjoy the next one like this? Who know, but just click the damn play button already, it’s a new Press Pause Radio!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR Presents Now Showing: 07/01/2015

he video game industry’s biggest event has come and gone, and in its wake, we’re all still a bit mystified from some of the announcements that went down (Shenmue III still has George shaken up a bit.) Before we go in-depth with our thoughts on E3 though, we figure that we would post up some of the trailers that showcased all of the upcoming goodness that the event unveiled.

Granted, there were far more trailers than what’s listed here (and you can catch them on YouTube page here) but for now, we’ll just throw up some trailers of some of the more high profile games announced during that faithful week—have fun, stay tuned for the E3 podcast that’s coming up around the bend.

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