Entries in Fantasy Zone (2)


Bullet Heaven #228 - Black Bird (Switch)

Inspired by the classics but with some of the best visual and sound design we've seen on Bullet Heaven so far,  Black Bird is an excellent argument in favor of games as art. One of the freshest shooters we've played to date, this game has to be seen - and heard - to be believed.  But how does it stack up?  Let's take a closer look!

Missed an episode?
Bullet Heaven 225: Velocity 2X
Bullet Heaven 226: Zero Ranger
Bullet Heaven 227: REDACTED

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Bullet Heaven EX, Episode 25 - Dariusburst CS DLC: Sega Pack

n EX Episode 24, we took a look at the Taito DLC pack for Dariusburst CS. It featured an amazing amount of content and some truly great BGM tracks, not to mention a low price tag, all things considered. Now it's time for round 2, featuring three DLC packs of the Sega variety! How do they stack up? Let's take a look!  

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