Entries in feeling (2)


PAX PRIME 2013: The Best of Indie Mega Booth

ith every passing PAX is another excellent opportunity to sample some of the finest upcoming Indie titles with the Indie Megabooth. We here at Press Pause Radio are always humbled by the amazing ideas that get showcased here, and like before, we pick our favorites, and award our Golden Zonkey to the best game at the show. Check it out and enjoy.

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GDC 2013: The Breakdown of Inciting Emotions Through Playing

motions are strong, depending on how they’re conveyed or felt; they can go on to be overwhelmingly powerful. Storytelling in games is evolving from using the artifice of genuine emotion to simply drive plot or narrative, and instead is gradually manifesting itself into a very real takeaway from direct interaction that’s piloted by the player, and solely on a script. Susan O’Connor of Writing Studio alongside Chuck Beaver of Electronic Arts take the stage at GDC 2013 and explain the finer points and fundamentals of writing within games that will flesh out what the player feels above anything else.

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