Entries in For Nintendo Switch (4)


QCF: Super Crush KO (Switch)

So far in my brief experience with the Nintendo Switch, I have enjoyed several beat-em-ups and action games. However, I seem to struggle with the titles that rely heavily on combo-driven combat and precise controls. Something like Bayonetta or Devil May Cry would be a struggle for not only a novice such as myself, but for playing on a Switch that is never hooked up to a television or using a controller. Thankfully the fine individuals at Vertex Pop have made a name for themselves releasing approachable and stylish indie games that do not compromise on the action. Their latest release, Super Crush KO is a colorful and stylish hybrid of the above-mentioned genre and run ‘n gun that although is short to complete and possibly less of a challenge for experienced players, nonetheless is a worthwhile addition to the platform.

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 215 - Gunbird 2 for Nintendo Switch

e enjoyed Gunbird for Nintendo Switch, so when ZeroDiv brought Gunbird 2 to the platform, it was only natural that we had to take a look! Adding new elements to established formula, Gunbird 2 is a game that is better in every way than its direct predecessor... but how does it stack up?

In the credits:
Ikaruga (All+Switch)
Quad Fighter K (Switch)
1917: The Alien Invasion DX (Switch)

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 207 - Dragon Blaze for Nintendo Switch

Leave it to Zerodiv to release another nifty-neato shmup just a week after Tengai! Dragon Blaze was made in 2000 by Psikyo and adds all kinds of neat features and mechanics to the established Psikyo formula in great ways... But how does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 206 - Tengai for Nintendo Switch

In episode 205 of Bullet Heaven, we were kind of hoping to check out Tengai for the Nintendo Switch. Instead, we got Sol Divide and it was... iffy. Thankfully, Tengai for Nintendo Switch was literally released directly after Psikyo's 1997 misstep; now we can see what a real psikyo sidescroller is all about. How does it stack up?

***ERRATA: At 0:46, it shows that the publisher is 2018, Headup Games. This is incorrect: Tengai is 2018, ZERODIV.***

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