QCF: Hatoful Boyfriend
ll right, I'm sure you were all waiting with baited breath for this review for a very long while. You probably wanted to know who it was actually going to be, what whacked-out commentary they'd have about a Dating-Sim that features male friends of the feathered avian variety. Well, it's me—and here's my review of Hatoful Boyfriend.
In Japan, Dating-Sims are a pretty big genre, and have been popularized on such systems as the PC Engine and Saturn, with many such entries as Tokimeki Memorial and Wizards Harmony (the latter we actually have over here with Team Duo.) Hatoful Boyfriend is the one of the latest games to take part in the rising movement of Dating-Sims, and kinetic visual novels that are being localized for an American audience, particularly on PC in specific.