PPR Presents Now Showing: 10/31/2013
n our efforts to try to do cool new stuff with Press Pause Radio and make it one of the best enthusiast Video Game media podcasts and websites around, we’re introducing another feature to the sight that we’ll be updating from here on out and hopefully try to make it a weekly to bi-weekly feature.
There are tons of trailers that come out and just never enough time to check them out one by one, so every Friday, we’re going to collect some our favorites and throw them up in one post to celebration of everyone’s eyes and ears towards upcoming games.
This week is all Halloween themed so we decided to follow suit with this new feature. In this week's Now Showing, you’ll find some new footage and release date information on the sequel of the Vampire Killing reboot with Lords of Shadow 2. We also have teaser trailers of Basement Crawl, Dead Rising 3, and The Walking Dead Season 2 on board so check them out folks.